Move keywords for Materials & Methods (Top 10)

Keywords are words that were used at significantly higher rates in the specific move corpus than in the whole corpus data. Click a keyword or key phrase to check its usage in the Life Science Dictionary Corpus.

To key phrases



l  MM1: Describing Study Design and Subjects

1. or                                         ex. years or older

2. consent                                ex. consent was

3. approved                             ex. approved by

4. informed                              ex. informed consent

5. written                                  ex. provided written

6. eligible                                 ex. were eligible

7. protocol                               ex. study protocol

8. criteria                                 ex. exclusion criteria

9. ethics                                    ex. ethics committee

10. provided                             ex. patients provided


l  MM2: Describing Research Methodology

1. defined                                ex. defined as

2. or                                         ex. or death

3. were                                    ex. were obtained

4. assessed                             ex. was assessed

5. each                                    ex. each study

6. scale                                    ex. scale from

7. we                                        ex. we defined

8. codes                                   ex. codes for

9. questionnaire                      ex. food frequency questionnaire

10. measured                          ex. were measured


l  MM3: Describing Statistical Analysis

1. we                                        ex. we estimated

2. analyses                              ex. analyses were

3. regression                           ex. logistic regression

4. used                                    ex. we used

5. calculated                            ex. we calculated

6. model                                  ex. model with

7. using                                    ex. using SAS

8. models                                 ex. regression models

9. test                                      ex. test for

10. variables                            ex. categorical variables


l  MM4: Describing Role of Funding Source

1. data                                     ex. data collection

2. study                                    ex. the study

3. had                                      ex. had no

4. submit                                  ex. to submit

5. design                                  ex. study design

6. role                                      ex. no role

7. decision                               ex. decision to

8. publication                           ex. for publication

9. interpretation                       ex. data interpretation

10. the                                     ex. the decision

